Overview of the hormones involved in weight loss

While we would like to think that we have full control over our habits , thoughts, wants and desires, they are very much controlled by the chemicals secreted in our body, our hormones.  They act on organs systems in our body, especially the brain.  Did you every wonder why you love that piece of chocolate, or what you feel like you are going to go insane if you don’t eat right now!?!?

There are many hormones in the body that help regulate our hunger, satiety, weight gain and weight loss. Here were talk briefly about two major ones, and give you an idea about many of the others.

First, Lest talk about Ghrelin. Ghrelin is produced in the stomach. the grater curvature of the stomach. This is the only hormone we know of right now that actually makes us hungry.  All the other make us feel full… or not full/satiated when their levels are low.  But Ghrelin, this little monster is the one that makes us want to eat, when we have not had a proper meal in several hours.  It is the one that makes our stomachs growl. Ghrelin is produced when our stomachs are empty. It  acts in the brain to stimulate the “Hunger Pathway”. When you lose weight the levels of ghrelin rise in your body, making it even harder to control your appetite. 

Second is Leptin.